Data Privacy Protection at ePages
ePages takes the issue of confidentiality very seriously. We view the protection and respect of the privacy of our customers as an important, critical and integral part of our business. We have constructed our website in such a way that customers and channel partners can enter confidential information that is relevant and useful toward obtaining specific product data. We do utilize this information for the design of our products and services, as well as to carry out the specific services we have been asked to perform. We take it upon ourselves to ensure that the data that we receive from customers is collected, processed and used for its intended purpose. The fact that ePages operates on a worldwide basis sometimes requires us to transfer such information to our subsidiaries and affiliated companies both domestically and abroad, albeit in a professional and controlled fashion.
Within the framework of paragraph 33 BDSG (The Federal Data Protection Act) we are required to inform our customers that data we receive from them is, or may indeed be stored, processed and transferred. We do this in accordance with the applicable data secrecy laws. In addition, our customers do hereby tacitly agree that the data that they give us via questionnaires may be used and stored, assuming the aforementioned diligence on our part. When doing business with distributors (domestic or international) who are part and parcel of the implementation of our products and services in question, we reserve the right to share critical information with them, including proprietary information.
In the sense of the Press Act of October 3, 1949 (Gesetz über die Presse vom 3. Oktober 1949), the parties responsible for various types of documents and information are as follows: When texts and pictures contain different sources: each source is liable for its own content. Except as permitted under the Copyright Protection Law (Urheberrechtsgesetz), it is prohibited and punishable to reproduce, store or distribute the information contained within, in any form or by any means, or stored in a data base or retrieval system without the prior, written permission of ePages GmbH. This applies to any form of information, including texts, diagrams and pictures.
All details and information contained within ePages’ website have been carefully researched and reviewed by ePages. From time to time however, ePages may make use of hyperlinks to third party websites. The content of any third party website is solely the responsibility of its owner. ePages hereby expressly declines any liability for any content created by such third parties.
Hyperlinks shown on the ePages website may connect to websites outside of the control and influence of ePages. Because of the nature of hyperlinks, the final destination of a link may be modified or changed without ePages’ knowledge, control or consent. ePages expressly rejects any liability for claims, content, or other affiliation made by third parties through such connections.